Python Software Patterns

Webhook handlers via decorators

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You have an external system(e.g payment gateway) sending events onto your backend http endpoint. There are several types of events have to be processed in different ways.

Webhook image

How to organize the code?

Possible solution

Move processing of particular types into separate functions and register them via decorators.

Create a decorator that consumes parameter(e.g event) and stores a function in the dict or other container.

from functools import wraps

event_handlers = dict()  # Dict  to store event -> func mappings

def handler(event):

    def decorator(func):
        event_handlers[event] = func

        def wrapper(data):

            result = func(data)

            return result

        return wrapper

    return decorator

Write functions responsible for processing specific events and hang decorators on them. Write a function getting event handlers functions and call the function.

def activate_subscription(data):
    resource = data['resource']
    # Subscription activation logic

def create_dispute(data):
    resource = data['resource']
    # Create dispute logic

def process_not_handled(data):
    # Processing not handled event logic

def process(event: str, data: dict) -> None:
    func = event_handlers.get(event, process_not_handled)

Parse event in request and call processing function.

class Webhook(APIView):
    permission_classes = [permissions.AllowAny]

    def post(self, request):
        event ='event_type')

        return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK)

Open source in-library use example: dj-stripe